I wanted this kinda site since a long time. Something which will let me express my views freely, free from the invisible boundaries of the psyche and especially free from the drudgery of the web-pages coding. I don't know what it will feel like to see some of my views published in the media, even though this ain't exactly one. Lemme see, what is it that I really want to write about...there are scores of topics, some conventionally the "topic of the day" and some close to my heart.
But today, let me write something that I have felt about probably the most used and abused word of English language, Love. I know someone, rather lots of "someones" who fell in love,were loved back and told so too, they saw dreams of a fairytale life ahead but eventually had to just chill out with a "this isn't THAT love you know". Wonder what THAT love would mean and how the person would know it. Like they said in Dil To Pagal Hai, it could be a thunderbolt falling on you or a flash of lightening or it could probably be like that title tune playing everytime you come across the chosen one or maybe it would be a divine revelation as it happened in the Mahabharata.
And what if all these signs were experienced by just one of the two people presumably destined to be together. That happens and surely, the person who feels all this is right in believing this is love for wasn't he/she shown all the apt signs and auguries. But that is not to be, the person swallows his pride first to confess, then swallows his tears when not acknowledged in kind and finally has to swallow the feelings and "move on" in life. Too simple? Hardly. Ask someone who's been through it.
I once wrote something to a friend who was trying to get over someone. Family problems, he said. Tough to forget him, she said.
But my job was not to question them and their opinions, all I was expected to do was lend that shoulder and utter those words of encouragement which as you'll see, I dutifully did. Read on...
"All I want now is u have to get 'aar ya paar', yeah one phrase which one of my friends here had used on me and am using it on u.
I know this will hurt, so much so tht you might have a recurring headache and you might feel so empty and void , that there'll be a vaccuum that no one else would be able to feel, you'll want to smile n you will, to the point of hurting your jaws.But inside, you'll be crying rivers of tears,you'll sit n laugh at a joke in some serial or film n then just shrug n forget it all but when it comes down to a senti scene, shruggin won't be as easy, you'll start by cryin for the hero or the heroine or some damn actor but you won't realise when you 've stopped cryin for them,when you've started cryin for yourself...when you've started lettin down those defences you so bravely put up in front of the others,you'll wonder if you are finally over him or if you are still breathin some hope. I know all this will happen dear and you'll be going through it every single day for God knows how long.
I know its very nauseating at times and the loneliness just kinda gets to u at times. But then the realisation ought to set in, that you've managed to scavenge myself from that bin of unwantedness, that you've stopped giving all your love and everything else that you have to someone who won't be around for ever,who won't even return that much love to you, that you've managed to stop putting someone on the top of your priority list without being on the same position in his. You begin to realise that had you continued in the state you were in, it would only have caused irreparable heartburn and you would have screwed your life big-time.
For a long time one goes on thinking that there's a chance and that one day, he'll see more than wht you seem to be, he'll ignore some faults n follies in u, like you have done for him, he'll look for the real and inner you, appreciate the person you are, that he'll penetrate those depths of your soul and see how much you love him, how much you are ready to go through only for him and how much happy he'll remain all his life by being loved so much by someone.
But no,dear, this does not happen,not with everyone and not in every case anyway.God knows why, but there seem to be too many illogical and unnecessary reasons for a person not to love u back, for a person to simply turn a blind eye and a proud head to your sincerest and deepest feelings, for a person to simply say "Sorry, U r someone I can't afford to lose but did I ever say I love u...no way buddy?!!"
All said and done, maybe its his bad luck or yours but things going the way they are, there's very little chance of saving that heart of yours unless you decide once and for all to end this emotional business and trust me, it does seem impossible but then its anythin but that. In fact if u really really make up your mind about forgetting a person and getting over some person,its quite quite possible.
But what you need girl, at these times is some interestin side scene, some friends you can always go out and have fun with, some pals of yours who'll always be there for you anytime and any place you need them, some pals who'll know just how to deal with the entire situation. And am rest assured you'll come out from this with ease..no, thats a wrong word, not with ease but definitely so. "
End of Quote.
I wrote that to her some time in September 2001 and she was all grateful and determined and all that. She's still seeing the chap. Period.
And my new resolve ever since has been to reduce the number of keystrokes in my mail to anyone in this respect. Makes no sense actually coz at the end, its "each to his own". People will keep falling in love, will keep on feeling all those mushy emotions, enjoy those romantic movies and novels and quotes and finally, will keep breaking their heart and moving on in life. No mail can stop them, no friend can make them see reality and for that matter no amount of writing it all out will help them. It didn't, for me either. :-).